Good Ol’ Freda, director Ryan White

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Freda Kelly was just a shy Liverpudlian teenager when she was asked to work for a local band hoping to make it big. Though she had no concept of how far they would go, Freda had faith in The Beatles from the beginning, and The Beatles had faith in her. In Good Ol’ Freda, Freda tells her stories for the first time in 50 years. One of few films with the support of the living Beatles and featuring original Beatles music, the film offers an insider perspective on the beloved band that changed the music industry. Good Ol’ Freda director Ryan White joins us for a entertaining conversation on the engaging women who remained the loyal confidant to the most famous quartet in the history of modern music.

Ryan White and Freda Kelly will be doing Q&As at the Sundance Sunset in West Hollywood on Friday, September 6 and Saturday, September 7.

“Good Ol’ Freda is highly recommended for Beatles fans, rock-history buffs, and anyone who appreciates the beauty of the Liverpool accent. Check it out.” Sherilyn Connelly, San Francisco Weekly

“She did not take advantage of her position and presents a unique inside view of the Beatles and their families that even her family did not know many of the details until the making of the documentary.  Good Ol’ Freda is a film that I can recommend.” – Flick Hunter

“This is an absolute must-see. Good Ol’ Freda is an absolute delight from beginning to end…and the music is, of course, fantastic.” – Toronto Film Scene

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