Director/Editor Pi Ware’s (“Solitude,” “The Act”) powerful new documentary “Skin Deep: The Battle Over Morgellons,” takes a deep dive approach into the heated controversy surrounding Morgellons disease, a skin condition that most of the medical industry considers delusional. “Skin Deep: The Battle Over Morgellons,” explores the controversy surrounding Morgellons—a disease where fibers grow from sufferers’ skin, but a disease that the medical industry considers, “all in the patient’s head”. The film brings to light the heated debate as to who is delusional—the patients who believe or the doctors who deny– and whether medical treatment for Morgellons should be antibiotics or anti-psychotics. The documentary follows subjects
on both sides of the debate: a Texas nurse who suffers from the disease, and a skeptical dermatologist who asserts “there are no bad doctors”. The film investigates new research that claims the fibers are protein-based filaments created by the body, explores historical patterns of medical arrogance, and exposes the fatal flaws in the 2012 Morgellons study by the CDC. “Skin Deep: The Battle Over Morgellons” climaxes in a showdown at the Morgellons Conference in Austin, Texas, where the skeptical dermatologist presents his controversial opinions, and where bridges between doctors and patients will either be built… or burned. Director Pi Ware stops by to talk about the embattled victims and advocates fighting for relief from a debilitating, life-altering disease.
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“A beautifully constructed, honest and earnest call-to-action about one of the most baffling and stigmatized illnesses of our time.” – ANDY ABRAHAMS WILSON, DIRECTOR OF UNDER OUR SKIN
“A superb documentary exploring the skin-crawling disease of Morgellons and the plight of its sufferers. A reminder that physicians need to be open-minded about emerging new diseases.” – KRIS NEWBY, AUTHOR OF BITTEN: THE SECRET HISTORY OF LYME DISEASE AND BIOLOGICAL WEAPONS
“This incredible documentary exposes the debilitating difficulties and barriers to effective treatment that Morgellons sufferers experience. The film dives deep into the denialism conventional medicine has towards emerging illnesses and how this attitude can have severe consequences when it comes to funding, needed research, patient care and treatment for these diseases. This is a must see for anyone looking for a better understanding of Morgellons.” – DR KELLY BAY, FUNCTIONAL HEALTH PRACTITIONER, NYC