THE UNIVERSAL THEORY is set in 1962 at a quantum mechanics conference in an isolated lodge nestled amid the towering
landscapes of the Swiss Alps, the film tells the fantastical tale of a gifted young physicist, his curmudgeonly mentor, and an enigmatic jazz pianist who knows things about our wunderkind scientist that he’s never told another living soul. German director Timm Kröger—himself also a cinematographer films his tale
with an eye for the majestic natural beauty that surrounds our characters, effectively evoking the paranoid postwar era. Driven by astonishing twists and improbable coincidences, THE UNIVERSAL THEORY unravels a captivatingly complex
chronicle with brain-tickling suspense. Is our hero, Johannes Leinert, an undiscovered genius, or are we observing the paranoid aberrations of an idiot chasing metaphysical shadows? Director Timm Kröger Joins us for a wide-ranging conversation on the connection between Universal Theory and Indiana Jones, his collaboration with co-screenwriter Roderick Warich “dream” evolved, the significance of “strange” music, assembling his exceptional cast, and why he’ll never do another black and white film.
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About the filmmaker – Director Timm Kröger was born 1985 in Itzehoe, Germany. Studied at the European Film College in Ebeltoft, Denmark, then at Filmakademie BW in Ludwigsburg, Germany. Timm’s first feature and graduation film (THE COUNCIL OF BIRDS) premiered in Venice in 2014 at the Settimana della Critica. Two collaborations as cinematographer with Sandra Wollner (THE TROUBLE WITH BEING BORN, THE IMPOSSIBLE PICTURE). Since 2018, he has been part of THE BARRICADES, a production company in Berlin together with Viktoria Stolpe. DIE THEORIE VON ALLEM is Timm’s debut feature as a writer and director. Filmography (selection): 2023 THE UNIVERSAL THEORY (Venice International Film Festival 2023, in 2014 THE COUNCIL OF BIRDS, Venice International Film Festival 2014 / Settimana Internazionale della Critica FEST Belgrade 2015 / Best Director, First Steps Award / nominee for Best Full-Length Feature Film, 2013 16 X DEUTSCHLAND: RHEINLAND-PFALZ (documentary), 2011 THE SLIGHTLY UNNERVING ROCKING WHEN COMING DOWN THE MOUNTAIN (documentary) Sehsüchte – 41st International Student Film Festival, HFF Konrad Wolf, 2010 SHERIFF – FROM SWINEHERD TO SUPERSTATE(documentary), 53rd DOK Leipzig.
“The first act of The Theory of Everything is straightforward enough, but as its story becomes less and less grounded in the laws of physics we know, Kroeger does an excellent job to keep us onboard.” – Adam Solomons, AwardsWatch
“A gradual, slow burn, The Theory of Everything is an alluring, resourceful piece of arthouse, sci-fi pulp.” – Nicholas Bell,
“This wonderfully slippery Hitchcockian sci-fi is an elegant puzzle box full of ingenious ideas.” – Philip De Semlyen, Time Out
“The Theory of Everything earns the distinction that, despite the possible looseness of its title and concept, it is most definitely “something”. In the midst of a relativistic quantum universe, that in itself is a miracle.” – John Bleasdale, CineVue
“Within The Universal Theory’s two hour, black-and-white tale is stellar acting from Jan Bülow, a perfect score, and a tragic original story. […] a cinematic fever dream.” – Justin Bower, Loud and Clear Reviews
“Are black and white subtitled period pieces about alternate versions of people in jumbled-up differing realities are your thing?” – Roger Moore, Movie Nation