Somewhere in the Rust Belt of America another factory is closing down. After decades on the job, the reclusive Allery Parkes (Peter Gerety) finds himself out of work. Following his plant’s closure, Allery attempts to bide his time – same as his former, disgruntled, unemployed co-workers. However, despite the best efforts of his conciliatory wife Iola (Talia Shire), to get him to move on with his life. Allery keeps going back to his old workplace. A new morning presents a new opportunity. Allery gets dressed in his factory work clothes, he packs his lunch and, when asked by his perplexed wife where he’s off to, Allery responds, “I’m going to work.” WORKING MAN traces Allery as he sneaks into the closed factory. At first, he does this alone, but in time he gains an unexpected – and initially unwelcome ally. A charismatic neighbor, Walter Brewer (Billy Brown), soon joins Allery at the defunct factory. As their community rallies around them – and as their former corporate bosses strategize how to implode this unexpected movement – Allery learns that he might be something he never thought possible: a leader. Director and writer Robert Jury joins us to talk about his clear-eyed look at a man and a town, gave their job everything, now coming to grips with a haunting past and an uncertain future.
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