I’LL SHOW YOU MINE tells the story of Priya Sura (Poorna Jagannathan), an author who found breakout success when she wrote a memoir about her abusive father. She has since made a career of exploring her own trauma through a feminist lens. Recently, however, she has been finding it harder and harder to have an emotional connection in her writing. So she’s now mining someone else’s trauma by interviewing Nic (Casey Thomas Brown), her nephew by marriage, about his history of exploitation as a gender nonconforming model and pansexual poster boy. But Nic won’t engage without a quid pro quo, so to get to the most hidden parts of his story, she must dig into areas she has scrupulously managed to avoid in her own. Director Megan Griffiths (Eden, Lucky Them) joins us for a conversation on the challenges and rewards that come from a two actor film project, working with the talented duo of Poorna Jagannathan (The Night Of, Never Have I Ever) and Casey Thomas Brown (The Kominsky Method) and how finding a cinematic sweet spot for an engaging, and insightful character driven story about trauma and recognition.
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About the filmmaker – Megan Griffiths is a writer/director working in film and television. In 2021/22, Griffiths directed two features: I’LL SHOW YOU MINE (with Duplass Brothers Productions), and YEAR OF THE FOX. Other feature credits include SADIE (SXSW 2018), THE NIGHT STALKER (SIFF 2016), LUCKY THEM (TIFF 2013), EDEN (SXSW 2012, winner: Audience Award, Emergent Narrative Director Award), and THE OFF HOURS (Sundance 2011). She has directed shows for HBO, EPIX, TNT, Hulu, USA, Fox, Netflix, and Amazon. Additionally, Griffiths has produced projects including the Sundance comedy THE CATECHISM CATACLYSM, as well as YOUR SISTER’S SISTER, directed by the late Lynn Shelton, Griffiths’s close friend and frequent collaborator. Griffiths and Shelton also co-wrote a feature for This American Life, and together with producer Gregg Fienberg sold an original pitch to HBO. Griffiths was recently invited to join the director’s branch of the Academy of Motion Picture Arts & Sciences. She was the recipient of the 2012 Stranger Genius Award for Film, was named the 2013 City Arts Film Artist of the Year, and received the 2015 Seattle Mayor’s Award for Film. She serves on the board of Northwest Film Forum and is an active advocate for sustainable production. More at www.thecinechick.com.
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“It’s a good thing that Jagannathan and Brown have training in the theater: They imbue Priya and Nic’s densely verbal jousts, dodges and truths with compelling chiaroscuro hues.” – Lisa Kennedy, New York Times
“Both Jagannathan and Brown are excellent at this combination therapy session/verbal joust, conveying their characters’ intelligence and affection for each other while also their capacity to conceal and deceive — especially themselves.” – Rob Thomas, Capital Times
“(Director Megan) Griffiths is as gifted as they come as a character-driven storyteller.” – Michael Ward, Should I See It
““I’ll Show You Mine” may be all talk, but well aware that the mind is an erogenous zone, it proves most stimulating.” – Stephen Saito, Moveable Fest