Ella Blake is a stop-motion animator who is struggling to control her demons after the loss of her overbearing mother. Suddenly alone in the world, she embarks upon the creation of a macabre new puppet film, which soon becomes the battleground for her sanity. As Ella’s mind starts to fracture, the characters in her animated film take on a terrifying life of their own, and the unleashed power of her imagination threatens to destroy her. Anchored by a standout performance featuring actress Aisling Franciosi, the story takes a disturbing turn when a precocious young girl, played by Caoilinn Springall makes a series of suggestions and soon demands on Ella to change the course of her film, leading to increasingly frightening outcomes. Attempts by her boyfriend, and friends to help, only drive her closer to the edge. STOPMOTION also features Morgan’s captivating yet frightening stop-motion animation. . Director Robert Morgan (The Vandal, To Dust) joins us to talk about his background as an artist, his love of stop motion filmmaking and horror, working with a superb cast that includes Aisling Franciosi, Stella Gonet and newcomer Caoilinn Springall, and his collaboration with co-writer Robin King.
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About the filmmaker – Robert Morgan was born in 1974. He is a director and writer, known for ABCs of Death 2 (2014), Bobby Yeah (2011) and The Cat with Hands (2001). His feature directorial debut, STOPMOTION will be released by theatrically on February 23 through IFC Films. STOPMOTION currently rated 100% on Rotten Tomatoes.
“It’s chilling and tragic in equal measures.” – Richard Whittaker, Austin Chronicle
“Stopmotion is a surprising film using unique sights and sounds to breathe new life into a familiar, horrifying tale of a tortured artist.” – Molly HeneryThe Blogging Banshee
“At every level, Stopmotion is a formally and narratively thrilling feature debut from one of our greatest living animators. … A must watch for fans of animation … it’s also a visually striking and thought-provoking horror movie about creativity.” – Kyle Logan, ScreenAnarchy
“Aside from just being a good old fashioned horror movie, there is an intelligence and ferocity at play here that speaks to much grander things than just simple genre thrills.” – Alexandra Heller-Nicholas, AWFJ.org
“The visuals are astounding; filled with unsettling claymation figures and darkly suspenseful atmosphere. Robert Morgan has crafted an impressive first feature that is certainly visually arresting. But the film lacks dramatic power…” – Peg Aloi, Arts Fuse