The Integrity of Joseph Chambers – Producer & Lead Actor Clayne Crawford

Robert Machoian’s latest drama, The Integrity of Joseph Chambers recounts the riveting and morally convulsive drama an an insurance salesman and family man Joseph Chambers (Clayne Crawford) who wants to acquire the skills to be able to take care of his family in case of an apocalypse. He decides to go deer hunting by himself for the first time ever, despite his wife’s objections. Setting out into the mountains with a borrowed rifle, Joe roams the woods aimlessly in his search for deer. His boredom is short-lived, however, when in the blink of an eye, Joe undergoes a traumatic experience. What starts as an experiment to prove himself as a capable father and husband turns into a nightmare as Joe finds himself faced with a terrible choice that he must make. Lead actor and Executive Producer Clayne Crawford (The Killing of Two Lovers, Convergence) joins us for a conversation on the inspiration for the troubling tale, juggling the in-front-of and behind the cameras as actor and producer and collaborating once again with the brilliant writer and director Robert Machoian.


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88% on RottenTomatoes

“A slow and methodical disintegration of American Masculinity as spied on from just far off enough as to give us the full devastating picture. Crawford is tremendous. Gorgeously lensed, contemplative… one of the best films I have seen this year” – Jason Adams, Pajiba

“A taut and engaging character study.” – Stephen Saito, Movable Feast

“Writer director Robert Machoian continues to impress with this blistering Tribeca offering.” – Martin Carr, We Got This Covered

“In many ways, the film is like a brutally effective modern-day retelling of the classic Jack London short story To Build a Fire, another tale in which a guy determined to prove himself to himself finds himself in a very bad way for no real reason at all.” – Peter Soboczynski, The Spool

“Writer/director Robert Machoian follows up his masterful “The Killing of Two Lovers” with the same crew and star for another exploration of the male ego pummeled into vulnerable submission.” – Laura Clifford, Reeling Reviews

“The message here has some severe buckshot to it, and Clayne Crawford delivers an astonishing performance that brilliantly balances goofball humor and heavy drama.” – Robert Kojder, Flickering Myth