In this taut psychological thriller, RAVAGE, Harper (Annabelle Dexter-Jones), a young nature photographer on assignment in the woods of the Watchatoomy Valley, captures a disturbing event of a man being brutally whipped and beaten in the woods. After reporting the incident to the local sheriff, she is quickly captured by the culprits and taken to an abandoned farm in the woods to be tortured. Due to Harper’s experience as a survivalist she is able to escape but is on the run and has to quickly outsmart capturers. Harper explains to the Police how she fought her way out of the Watchatoomy Valley, they dismiss her crazed and violent story as a meth-induced nightmare. The RAVAGE also features two-time Oscar-nominee Bruce Dern (ONCE UPON A TIME IN HOLLYWOOD, PEANUT BUTTER FALCON, NEBRASKA, COMING HOME) and Robert Longstreet (DOCTOR SLEEP, HALLOWEEN KILLS). RAVAGE Director / Writer Teddy Grennan joins us to talk about his skillful blending of the sights and sounds that produce a heart-pounding story that ranges from the damsel in distress to a bad-ass warrior woman a la Ripley.
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