Born to Fly: Elizabeth Streb vs. Gravity – Director / Producer Catherine Gund and Choreographer Elizabeth Streb

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Elizabeth Streb and the STREB Extreme Action Company form a motley troupe of flyers and crashers. Propelled by Streb’s edict that “anything too safe is not action,” these daredevils challenge the assumptions of art, aging, injury, gender, and human possibility.  BORN TO FLY: Elizabeth Streb vs. Gravity traces the evolution of Elizabeth Streb’s movement philosophy as she pushes herself and her performers from the ground to the sky. Revealing the passions behind the dancers’ bruises and broken noses,  BORN TO FLY offers a breathtaking tale about the necessity of art, inspiring audiences hungry for a more tactile and fierce existence. Director / Producer Catherine Gund and Choreographer and extreme action architect Elizabeth Streb join us for a conversation on their remarkable projects, a brutally beautiful film and the exploration of what human movement is capable of achieving.

For news and updates on Born to Fly go to:

Q & A’s this Friday, September 26th at the Laemmle NoHo 7 Theatre in North Hollywood with Director Catherine Gund and Choreographer Elizabeth Streb

BORN TO FLY: ELIZABETH STREB VS. GRAVITY filmmaker Catherine Gund and acclaimed choreographer / aerialist Elizabeth Streb will participate in Q&A’s at the NoHo after the 7:30 PM screening on Friday, September 26 and after the 1 PM screening on Saturday, September 27.

“Streb’s atheletes create the thinking person’s circus…You’ll see in the work of Streb and her courageous dancers a redemptive vision of human daring and ingenuity.” – Deborah Jowitt, Village Voice

“Streb’s rough-and-tumble dances are about velocity, physical stamina and her unwillingness to bow to gravity without a fight.” – William Harris, New York Times

“Born to Fly captures fully both the danger in the work and the exhilaration the dancers get from it…it’s seeing bodies move in ways you know they never have in human history.” – Robert Faires, The Austin Chronicle

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